Below are my articles covering all elements of engineering, business and technology.
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SRE vs DevOps
Earlier this week, I saw a post asking about the differences between Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) and DevOps. I got a bit carried away with my response and hit the LinkedIn comment character limit, so I decided to turn it into a long-term post. This way, it can be a lasting resource, just like my Helm and Windows articles.
devops sre devex
technical business

What is done
Done is a relative concept. The majority of the project/programme/initiatives I’ve been part of have included effort towards agreeing the formal definition of done, whether that’s part of a Programme Kickoff or within a Statement of Work. However, where Statement of Work approaches are explicit and robust, project approaches are disconnected and occasionally delusional.
business non-technical

Serverless technologies are the greatest marketing achievement in cloud computing. They’re incredibly useful overall, but they’re also nearly as oversubscribed as VPN services and likely the most front loaded service type out there. How do you use serverless tech without getting bitten in a couple years?
cloud architecture technical
business technical

I’ve been running Kubernetes for years both professionally and personally. My on-premises K8s cluster has been going over half a decade. To manage these clusters I’ve used Terraform, Ansible, Kustomize, Helm, Flux, plain manifests and even my own tooling in jinny. Out of all of them, Helm is the only tool which I can’t recommend. I haven’t encountered a scenario where Helm has resulted in a net benefit, it has always been better to pick something else. Let’s explore!
helm kubernetes
development technical

Pipelines: A Bundle of Opinions
Continuous Integration / Deployment / Development / Delivery are high level objectives found at most organisations. The majority of SoWs that I’ve worked to included CICD implementation or the implementation of continuous CICD improvement which is continuously doing whatever-is-being-done. My experience has been that firms just want better and more reliable pipelines. Everyone is sick of seeing pipelines mysteriously fail.
pipelines development technical
development technical

Should it cloud?
I’ve been wrestling a horde of Macs, herding them into a flock of standardised, well trained beasts that are able to handle iOS builds in a somewhat predictable pattern. It’s not my favourite experience but, like mortality, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. In order to get to this point I’ve fallen back on some old standbys like Ansible and Bash.
cloud unhappy
architecture cloud

Infrastructure as Code
I’ve been on another loop around Infrastructure as Code tools, initiated by multiple explorations hunting for the appropriate tool to fit various clients culture and strategy. All of the below tools I’ve taken for a full run deploying to production, ie fully released commercial software has been deployed by all the tools below directly by yours truly. I thought it best to note down the impressions of each whilst I’ve still got the wounds.
technical cloud code
technical cloud